Hah, I see another difference: I've been browsing the forums from the URL "forums.stardock.com". The GC2 "Metaverse" menu took me to "forums.galciv2.com". Betcha the mirrored forum on the stardock site doesn't show game stats!
Once you've set a character as default (which I now see that you've done) it does not matter which of Stardocks many sites (actually there are 12 of them last time I took a count) you post *from*, your medals will only show up but if viewed from the GalCiv2 site (
Nor must it post them, I think, or you guys would've said, "What are you talking about? Your game stats are right there on every post! You mean you can't see them?"
No your medals get posted no matter where you post from. The reason we couldn't see your medals was because you probably hadn't yet set a default character.
A little information about Stardock's linked sites would probably be useful here. Like I said Stardock currently has 12 separate forum sites. None of them are what I would call "mirrors" however all of them share the same database and all of them share some subset of the same forums but there are also many forums that are not shared across sites.
It's actually extremely complex, at my last count there were 755 separate forums (this info is over a year old at this point) of which only 373 were unique, spread out over Stardock's 12 forum sites. This is even more complicated by the fact that two of Stardock's 12 sites support not only the standard forum functionality but also support "blog" functionality which actually gives you some level of moderation you can provide on threads (i.e. blog articles) that you create.
As I said it's very complex and very confusing since most people assume that everyone responding to their posts is doing so from "their" site, an assumption that is often not true.
The following are SD's 12 forum sites.
There are a number of forums like the Off-topic forum and the Forum Issues forum that are pretty much universally visible from all sites. Then there are lots of forums that are only visible from a few or even only one site.
Additionally the Joe User and the ImpulsDriven sites have the additional feature of supporting the "blog" functionality. All except the newest of these sites evolved as a seperate site with different functionality that gradually over time became common.
The bottom line is that GalCiv2 site, forums.galciv2.com, is one of the earlier sites and still has a certain uniqueness to it. In fact the metaverse section of the GalCiv2 site, http://metaverse.galciv2.com/, is really a separate site that is itself totally unique.
There's a lot more I could go into about all of this but this is sufficient for now. Just be careful about assuming that where you may be posting and reading from is not necessarily the same place as those you're talking to are posting and reading from.