So my issue I reported before with the ghost window does still exist but it's very rare now. I can mitigate it every time by waiting a few seconds before releasing the mouse button. It must be a timing issue between my system and groupy. Never the less everything is working well. So I would like to make a wishlist for future versions. Some have already been suggested but here we go.
1. Option to turn off position/size restoration. I have an app that I group about 6 to 8 of into a single group. The app itself handles restoring size/position so when opening the group I get a lot of jerky motion due to the app opening in "its" last saved position and then groupy "grabbing" it resizing etc..
2. Live position tracking in case #1 is turned on. It should just handle it itself instead of having to click the menu then click save group each time you change the group. This goes for adding/removing tabs.
3. Restore the tab positions. Depending on how long it takes to launch the app for the tab, tab positions can get mixed up. Imagine an app that takes 5-8 seconds to open. Also the last active tab should be restored. Not sure how groupy handles the launches (i.e WaitForInputIdle for each tab) or if it just launches then all at once and snags them based on process name etc..
4. -Reserved-
All in all this version is working and looking sweet. Great work guys/gals.