Hey guys sorry I've been away for a bit. Been dealing with some serious life issues. I have been lurking however and noticed Groupy is getting some love. I've played with both beta versions for a while now and have a few "bugs" and some features if anyone is interested. I'm also including a few videos of what I've seen thus far. Hope this helps. I'm still not able to work on things full time yet but I am getting there so I should be able to participate more in the coming days/weeks.
** BUGS**
1. Saving new states such as size/pos or new tabs using the Group->Save Group menu item fails.
2. When using a single taskbar button the taskbar is constantly being updated during group startup and shutdown.
A. Perhaps start each tab process hidden then create/destroy the single taskbar button once and then show the active window.
B. Like above when closing a group each tab is closed separately perhaps hide all tab windows and close them one at a time
And then remove the taskbar button. Making it appear to close ALL tabs at once.
3. When opening a group that was maximized with tabs on top the tab bar overlaps the caption of the tab windows.
4. When adding a new tab the shadow tab window (the one that shows where the new tab will be inserted) is not always dismissed after the new tab is added. Sometimes the "Insert tab here" tab item remains and after moving the group you can see the full size translucent blue window until the desktop repaints. (Note this could be an issue with my system and drivers still currently investigating)
5. Consider adding an Adjustable delay for tabs. Some programs (ones that open files passed as command line) take a while to open and in some cases (I see this A lot) causes a group to either open split with a few in one group and a few in another or having one or more not grouped at all. I have a group that has 6 IDE's and sometimes i will see a group with 2, another with 3, and a single ungrouped IDE open. Perhaps adding a delay between starting each process will allow the previous IDE to fully load before launching the next. Combine with hidding each until the entire group is launched would make for a smoother launching experience. (Might also need to add some sort of splash screen Optional of course)
6. When using groupy with explorer/notepad tabs The tab text on active tabs is always white. Without it the text color follows windows color scheme/theme (In my case black atm).
** Feature requests **
1. Starting with the best first I would like to see full tab wells. A similar system to Visual Studio (as well as others). Allowing both Vertical and Horizontal wells. Allowing for opening separate tabs or entire groups. I.e File->Group->New Vertical Group ... As well as "Move to next/previous Group" etc... I'm sure the scope for this would likely not come until another version but it would be great.
2. Ability to have NO taskbar button at all. The tab bar is itself a mini taskbar having the option to not have it on the main taskbar would be nice.
3. Instead of simply opening the group file when selecting "Edit group" consider adding a UI based editor.
4. As for updating groups. I would like to see a groups values (size/pos/tabs etc..) updated upon closing. For example resizing a group and then closing it should update the stored values instead of manually selecting "Save Group".
5. I would like to see the tab peek ability include the entire size of the group. For example when hovering a tab the entire group acts like the desktop showing the tabs window fully inside the size of the group. The small popup display is not enough to determine the tab windows content when using many tabs of the same type (especially and IDE where each display is just lines of code). If not that then perhaps an option to adjust the size of the preview popup to something about 2.5/3x larger. This would also go a long way in conjunction with the "No taskbar button" option above.
I'm so glad to see groupy getting some love. I'm excited with how it's going so far as groupy is one of the apps I have been using daily since its first release. Can't wait to see where it goes from here.
I have a video but youtube wont allow me to verify (Google amiright) it says I have to wait 7 days. If anyone knows a better way (I don't use any cloud services) please let me know.
Looks like google as graciously allowed me to post a vid.