Here are my machine specs:
Dell XPS 8930 Desktop
CPU - Core i7 9700
GPU AMD Radeon 5600 XT - Latest Drivers Installed
Windows 10 Version - Windows 10 Pro V-2004 OS Build-19041.508
Backstory- I have Object Desktop with all the included programs installed. Deskscapes 10 was working flawlessly up until a week and a half ago when I put in a new video card. When things were working flawlessly, I was running my setup with an AMD Radeon RX 580 (8GB on board video card). My new card is a AMD Radeon 5600 XT (6GB on board video card).
Basically I have Deskscapes exclusively running as my screensaver (each day I use a different Deskscapes background). After upgrading to the new video card whenever I had my system running while not present, upon coming back to the PC when I move my mouse or press a key on my keyboard, the Deskscape background freezes and stays frozen. If I hit CTRL ALT ESC the screensaver stays frozen, but becomes a more washed over, pale color, with a white bar across the top of the screen (the white bar is underscored with a thin black border - basically, it's like a blank title bar). At this point, if I hit ESC after that, a second or two later, the screensaver gives way to my desktop and everything functions fine. Of course next time the screensaver comes on, the same problem occurs.
For the record, I completely uninstalled my Radeon video driver prior to changing video cards. I then reinstalled the latest Radeon driver after installing the new video card.
I'm not sure exactly what is happening, or what the fix is, but I thank everyone in advance for any information and solutions pertaining to what I'm experiencing.