In case of any confusion. Some skins, like Windowblinds, will come as an image of a color palette. This is simply a different kind of zip package. Clicking on it will install that skin in Windowblinds. Other zip packages might look like the app its for. CursorFX will have a file extension like .cursorfx or similar. Windowblinds will have a .wba file extension. For other zip packages that look like they have a zipper on them, lol, can be unzipped by right clicking on it and either using Windows to unzip it or using a third party 'unzipper' like 7-zip. Using that app all you have to do is right click on the zip package, mouse over 7-zip and choose unzip to folder with the same name. That way you know exactly what you have. In my case I open the Stardock folder in my downloads folder. In that I create other folders with the name of the app i.e. Windowblinds, cursorfx, icon packager, wallpapers and such. With Iconpackager for instance the best way IMO to install an iconpack would be to open Iconpackager, click on options then on install from disk. Navigate to where you downloaded the Iconpackager zip folder and click on it. You'll get a popup that says such and such iconpack is being installed, please wait. For Objectdock go to C>Program files(x86)>Stardock>Objectdock>backgrounds. In it there are folders for tiles, tabs and zoomers. Place the Objectdock folder containing the skin inside the appropriate folder. Note: Zoomers are the standard docks on your screen. Tiles are individual docks like you see in some of the screenshots. Tabbed docks are like regular docks but with tabs to access different areas like tasks, programs etc. This doesn't cover all of it but you get the idea. Anyway, have fun, mix and match, create the kind of desktop you like and you can always change up. One other thing. Look at the compatibility index. This will tell you which programs are compatible with Win 10 and which are not, at least not yet. So, welcome to our asylum lol. Glad to have you aboard.