{LH 1.4} Tech updates now merge if the internal name matches
{LH 1.6} Base effect attachments (e.g. Asha) [WAI?]
{LH 1.6} Gender tag linked to UnitStat_IsFemale/Male for Non Comparative Conditional (e.g. Misandry)
{LH 1.6} Non Comparative Conditional: Attacker (e.g. MasterArcher)
{LH 1.6} Non Comparative Conditional: Target (e.g. DeathBlow )
{LH 1.7} Map Stamps w/ saved starting locations can be created
{LH 1.7} Optional UnitStat Class Requirement: Armor, Items, Weapons (e.g. Walderon’s Banner)
{LH 1.7} SpellTargetType AllEnemyChampions
{LH 1.8} UnitStat_Charge and ChargeAdd_Effect Spell (e.g. Fervor)
{LH 2.0} Stamina
{DLC05} CastAppliesSpell (e.g. Lifeblood)
{DLC05} UnitStat_TreasureHunter (e.g. Treasure Hunter)
Create Screen > Appearance > Equipment > Consumables
GameItemType: <Type>Consumable</Type>
Allow MULTIPLE PreventStackingWith instead of just 1, as is the case right now. e.g.:
ValueCalcWrapper (Enable for Strategic Spells)
KillAppliesSpell (Attacker)
DeathAppliesSpell (Target)
See, generally, reply #30
0 = Default
1 = Summon survives if summoner dies
0 = Default
1 = Is now AI Controlled
0 = Default
1 = Is now a Wild creature (Attacks both sides)
<UpgradeComparisonID/> & <UpgradeComparisonText/> (For abilities and other stuff)
WildDefenseSummon (CityDefenseSummon equivalent for Outposts, Wild Camps, etc.)
<Type>Improvement</Type> (Improvement requirement to train units)
Blank AIRelationsWeight (Which can be used in GameModifiers)
<AIRelationsWeight InternalName="AIRelationsWeight_Blank_1">
<Description>You may use me for whatever use.</Description>
Enable individual Path Blockers, to occasionally remove a Path from the Path Screen
e.g.: a UnitStat or an AbilityBonusOption that doesn't count as a Path but blocks a particular Path
0 = Default
1 = Yes
Enable Calculate in SpellResourceCost
<Calculate InternalName "Calc" ValueOwner="..."><Expression>...</Expression></Calculate>
<Calculate InternalName "Amount"><Expression><![CDATA[[Calc]]]></Expression></Calculate>
{LH 2.0}
{LH 1.8}
{LH 1.7}
{LH 1.6}
{LH 1.5}
{LH 1.4}
{LH 1.3}
{LH 1.2}
{LH 1.1}
LH Mods by Primal
XtraDeconstruct Canons