First I hope Galactic civilizations 3 will b turned based. Where Sins of a solar empire is continuoa play. If u want to have a continuos play game then u should work with Ironclad games. Am I the only one who caught the similarities between Galactic civilizations 3 Dark avatar and sins of a solar empire. If Galactic civilizations were continuos play; then they would have to scale it down just like they did in sins of a solar empire. Then they would have to get rid of one. Why would they have two versions of the same game. Instead of trying to make Galactic civilizations continuos play get them to come out with Sins of a solar empire 2. Galactic civilizations is a turned based space stradegy not a continuos play strdegy game. Why don't u think we won't leave it alone after all theese roleplaying and real time stradegy games they made.
If you want sins of a solar empire to mod, edit, or have a sdk go to Ironclad. I don't know why Sins of a solar empire didn't customise ships that would be a good idea u should tell them.
Sins have better pirates, Sins has a black market option. In sins neutrals have the same tech trees as the major races. Sins use orbital developement while Galactic uses planetary developement. Galactic has more interplanetary stuff in space. Galactic uses a Hyperdrive while sins uses spacelanes. What this means is that Galactic gives U better control for interplanetary travel. Sins uses much bigger fleets while capping the total number of ships U can have. If u don't use an insane number of ships in sins u can't survive in Sins. Sins has no anomalies. Sins has no current events. In sins the Ai keeps trying to give u lame missions and then penalise u for not following them. In sins when u level up a ship it changes what the capital ship can do. Sins limit the number of planetary artifacts u can have. Sins have better wormholes. Galactic have more different races than sins. Galactic have more different tech trees. Galactic has different techs that actually do different things in different techs trees.
When U customise in Galactic it is more different than a stock race than in Sins. Sins has more options for different bodies in space. Sins has better graphics. Sins Vesari really kicks but on the looks while the Iconians don't quite look that cool. In Galactic U can win by other means than just combat. Galactic has trade goods. Galactic have different abilities for different races. Theese r all the real differences I can think of off hand there may be more. Besides customising races Galactic is one of the most moddable games of its kind with maybe only civilizations can compare. Editing wise civilization is better.
To sum it up Sins of a solar empire is a real time version of Galactic civilizations 2. Instead of making Galactic civilizations 3 a real time stradegy game upgrade sins of a solar empire instead. Real time stradegy can't be as complex as turn based; otherwise u would not to be able to play it. I would like both games. but Galactic is better.