It is so frustrating to have to declare war on a friendly faction because i cant just walk through their worked resources. i also dont always want to destroy a worked resource when i am at war and am just trying to approach the enemy city. this has been an issue since EWOM.
how do computer opponents build cities on 0/0/0 areas? must be a bug.
If i kill an enemy champion/troops i should be able to loot them or at least get 1 random item from the encounter. as is i destroy a full army and get some pitiful experience but all of their weapons and armor seem to just disappear after the battle. or i could choose gold instead of the loot.
Why does paragon only let me steal spells. it would be awesome if i could choose any trait or skill they had. sometimes champions have traits that are unique and i cannot get by leveling but they are rather useless overall. i would love to kill them and take what i want.
How can beastlord tame a beast to fight for me but i cannot use this beast as a mount? if they are of certain size i should be able to ride them. this would be so cool!
Why are unique mounts like the harridan and skath so bland? Beast mounts should add unique stats to the person riding them or give that champion at least the skills this this beast can use on its own in the wild. spiders - poison and web; skaths- devastating bite and such.
I shouldnt have to play it on hard or above to be pushed at all. When i do play on expert/ridiculous levels its not like the computer is better they just cheat with every move. this is not fun at all. i recently popped in civ 5 on deity and got my a$$ handed to me. i dont like being able to win everytime in games and the computer should be able to beat me if i mess up. i dont have this issue in this series unless i have a monster rampaging through my borders because i got greedy and zoned around their lair or they walked across the whole map, thorough the computers areas of control and came for me but leave them alone. this is crap!
The new hero leveling is horribly bland in LH. initially i thought it would be awesome until i realized a few games in that by the time i have potential 1/2/3 and extra weight capacity, then add a spot for a trinket, i now have 3-5 more levels to gain before i even can use a fun skill (not to mention that i will never have a chance to get an end level ability). By this time i usually have the computer so beaten that i give up and start a new game. so i didnt even get to use any of the skills that i have been grinding for all this time. the old randomized options were way more fun, if this was changed to 1 pick and 1 random skill it would go along way (this has been discussed alot in the forums already)
citys need to be able to attack every turn - a ranged attack before the seige (civ 5) would be cool for pesky monsters and opposing factions. also during seige if we are fighting in the streets then there should be archers shooting from buildings every turn or so, this attack should be based on the building present in the city. as is there is nothing but a few fodder units defending and if i have an army there these defenders stay inside because there are then too many units present. if this is the case i should be able to pick which units fight the first round and then they should have to siege again - just like i have to do this attacking monster lairs that have multiple stacks.
just a few thoughts... i like this game and its potential but it could be so much better so i will wait again til the next release and hope.