Looking to renew my ODU after some time and on the SD store page it has no option to renew. Is this still viable (and cheaper than buying outright again)? Is there a renew time limit, my ODU ran out in late '09? I have a renew button attached to ODU in Impulse, but i'm very wary about using that, since i don't beleive that will do anything since the sale. Am i being blind and not seeing a renew button anywhere?thanks.
Renewal $24.95
No, don't use Impulse.
And after you renew download apps from here:
Also,if you have installed anything through Impulse, you will need to uninstall it with Impulse before you install the store version. That means all of ODNT if you had it all installed.
Only then should you uninstall Impulse.
Thanks Wizard but it's a new win7 install, so no OD components are there. And thanks Dave!! I could not find the renew function anywhere! (puts glasses back on!)
Jeez! Give the Stardockians a chance to answer the easy ones once in a while.
[e digicons]:'([/e]
All done and bought! Yay! I have WB back (i lost my archive).....think i was getting withdrawals!
For a peek at what we're replacing Impulse with soon, check this out:
Oh, i know....everytime that thread pops up in my replies i think "yay finally" LOL [e digicons]:'([/e]
i was getting withdrawals!
[quote who="Neilo" reply="7" id="3101884"]Oh, i know....everytime that thread pops up in my replies i think "yay finally" LOL [/quote. well it is here at last.(and works just fine)
Installed it about 2 seconds after Brad posted about it! I'm happy as a pig in shit...no more Impulse!!
Yes, for those who didn't know, the new SDC is now available, though still in beta:
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