I can see why they are trying to support both, so that WoM ends up as a more respectable product,, but ultimately I don’t think any of us want two games and have to decide which one to play because they like some of the features in one and some in another.
We still don’t know too much about FE. People say it will be more focused and more story driven, but so far I’m not really seeing what WoM features will be missing. Obviously dynasties have gone, but that was a sensible decision regardless. Without succession dynasties were always going to be a non-starter. I’d be happy to see them again, but only if they can be done properly.
So other than that, I can’t imagine many significant features being cut. Unit Design? Tactical combat? Tech Research? Spell Research? Adventuring? Resources? What would be the point?
While I can see how things like city building could be done a lot more simply, I want that for WoM anyway (and I’ve already spoken a lot about how this, and population growth can be made both easier to manage, whilst behaving better and made more realistic).
So far I like the look of FE a lot. It appears to be like WoM but without fiddly dynasties or citizens, but WITH unique locations, powerful monsters, fire swords and animated cutscenes. But I can’t see why it can’t continue to pursue WoM’s goal of being “one game to rule them all.” That’s the whole point of the game. If I wanted to play an rpg with strategy elements there are plenty of other games like that out there. I don’t think there is anyone out there who’s brain is exploding from the idea of designing his units or researching tech. We just want what we have to work better and get a few new bells and whistles. So why not do that with FE.