The rest of your points are moot.
the BIG DESIGN DECISIONS HE MADE RUINED THE GAME FOR ME HOW IS THAT MOOT? Are you claiming that 1UPT wasn't his idea.. seriously??.
Jon Shafer:"I'm certain you're familiar with Panzer General? it was actually the first game that I ever bought, and it's something that stuck with me and I'm a big fan of that game. I felt the combat system in it was a really good system that they had. It wasn't until later that I then found Civilization and then started playing that. One of the things that I'd always wanted to do was create a game that had the scope of Civilization but the combat mechanics of Panzer General, so that was kind of the inspiration behind what we ended up with in Civ V. We started off with something very similar to Panzer General, but it changed and evolved over time as we worked out what the details were. The general thinking was though that what was in Panzer General was a good start and we can expand from there."
You ignored the majority of my post then went into a fallacy about majorities. I never stated He had absolute control of everything that was put into civ V.. simply that he had enough control to ruin it for me.
That being said.. the new position at stardock may be more suitable for him.. however it doesn't make me hugely happy to have the guy whom was lead designer on the latest iteration of my favorite franchise to join the team for the game i bought in response to my displeasure with the game he had designed.
Further more.. if the lead designer isnt.. the team leader then why is he called the LEAD designer. I know when i'm running a crew everything that crew does or doesn't do falls on me so how is it any different for a lead designer? I'll try that and see if it flies "Oh corporate said I had to finish those reports and i didn't have time so I just fudged the numbers its not my fault"
Please explain why the LEAD DESIGNER.. isn't responsible for the game by your theory. I mean what according to you he just mops the bathrooms and gets everyone coffee so its not his fault?
Edit: Honestly this would have been over after my first post if people wouldn't have kept questioning how i can hold a lead designer responsible for the game him and his team produces. I mean seriously are you people kidding me..a lead designer isn't responsible for the game??
I mean really.. it was simply. I am displeased with this fact. the end. yet you guys feel the need to turn this into some kind of debate.
And regardless of my displeasure.. welcome jon. I hope your alot happier at stardock and conversing with the fans.