I just posted my first Metaverse game, won by tech victory.
It seems like if you have the economy to put together a conquest or influence victory you have the economy to crash through to the tech victory with less fuss, but I haven't played many games so maybe with experience the other win types become easier.
Anyway assuming my goal is to win consistently on suicidal but not necessarily to maximize score (I refuse!) what do you think of the tech route?
(Ascent to Transcendence for Alpha Centauri fans ...)
I guess I also need to make a disclosure. I don't feel like it was cheating, but I used a debugger to get past a crash caused when an alien declares war on you because you started a war with another species you're at peace with because of a peace treaty made on the turn before the assisting species declared war on you. The only impact of the change was to turn a crash -- which I have saved -- into the Altarians giving the message, "Your war of aggression against <null> is unjustified. We are now at war!"
Were the game functioning normally the only difference would be the Altarians would've said, "Korx," instead of there being a blank spot where the name should be, but same war, same ships, same turn, same ultimate outcome, so I don't feel like I did anything wrong. Were the game not bugged it would've played out exactly the same but without the crash. But I don't want to be posting games under a cloud of suspicion, so there you are.