Hey all
Normally i dont like to complain about stuff but when there is something broken and it makes the game out of balance i feel i must say something as its ruines the game for everyone.
Since the favor points are broken as most of us know, you are lucky if you can get one of them. Im sorta new so im not 100% sure what they all do.
My problem is this:
1. You can cheat to get any amount of favor points and use this in rank matches
2. Are favor points balanced? I mean one who can buy any favor item vs a new player who cant buy any, does the new player still have an even chance?
I just came from a game like never before, 2-3hits and i were dead. I were Oak, my team mate a Regulus and the dark side had 2 Lord Erebus: I have meet alot of good players but nothing like this... this seems abit over the edge to me.
Maybe they were cheating in another fasion or am i missing something? i dunno, it took them less then 15min to kill my team mate and me about 20+ times in a row and destroying our Cidadel.
Sigh, just had alot of good fights today and then this stuff happens. I dont mind losing if its fair game 