Since the recent update i found the game no longer runs on my game pc.
Shocking enough on my slowboat superslow, ultra slow, insane slow mini laptop i found it started but when i try a map with 3 players it dies by lack of cpu power at ofcourse the lowest settings this game is capable off.
My gaming rig with a AMD 7800x3d with plenty of ram and a AMD 6800XT with two lightning fast NVME runned before whatever you cooked up with this latest update like a charm with the biggests maps
Now it crashes like a rock and hangs till i go into the system and kill the never ending hang cycle
You sure made it a nice dead piece of garbage that is a great succes
However i saw some changes in the game on the slowboat lappy which i REALLY did not like
The fact that i play at the lowest difficulty is that i can win sometimes
If i do one step higher difficulty i could only win if i get some of those very famous cheats
Which i refuse todo as that spoils the whole game, nowadays all i know play all games with cheats and then start complain to the makers that it is too EASY ..........
So you basically made your game perfect for cheaters.
ANYWAY i might kick Ashes back into oblvion as i can not play it at all anymore
So your updates made sure i can not run it on a decent pc