So I was about to hit the renew button after a promo email, but put the brakes on that after reading through this forum and getting thoroughly confused.
I should say that I had the Object Desktop Suite from 2017 - so am on Windowblinds 10 and Fences 3 etc. So I have all the offline installers and haven't used any apps for a few years. I just installed WB10 the other day and activated using my original key - no problems at all.
Then I get the renewal invite with a discount and was about to renew for a year to refresh the versions, but if I read this correctly you have now changed the licencing model, so that if I cancel my subscription after renewing now, then all the software ceases to work! Really??
So are you saying that regardless if I download offline installers for the renewed apps, there's really no point as they won't work after a year anyway?
If that's the case then sorry, but I HATE this model with a vengeance. I like to pay for some software and have the right to use at the time of my own choosing.
If this is the case, I will be better off using the existing versions as there is nothing to tempt me to upgrade but I risk losing the lot if I do upgrade after a year, now that you are crippling the software. Good luck with that if this is the case, I won't be renewing because of it and nor will my family once they know.
I have email client software that I purchase to use and I get all upgrades for that version until a later major version is released. But my software never expires. So at some future point I may decide a like a new feature and upgrade for a discount, then the same repeats - all version releases within that major release. They do not cripple the software though.
Sorry but this is NOT the way to go.