as all others and it will not find the root cause. Tell me you are interested to find the root cause and I will help. I am out, if you want to let me reinstall Fences or deleting complete folders.
sott71, if I did not want to find the root cause for the very very few that have seen this, it would mean I am ok with my staff being accused of rendering '1 star support'. I am not nor are they. However, this in-app update issue (not to be confused with ODM update issue) is extremely rare and almost always resolved (forever) with what they have asked you to do.
That said, while you may not see the method to the madness, how we attack this going forward will be my prerogative. I have a theory on why it's happening and what you have been asked to do in the other post will help confirm it either way (should you not see the prompt again). Again, if this is not going to work for you, please let me know.
Either way, I appreciate the feedback and time.
Sean Drohan
Stardock Product Lifecycle Manager