Forgive me if things have changed in the last week or so,
I hope the devs read this, I'll make it quick I promise!
Research is a little slow, especially considering single research rather than dual/triple or quad depending on the trees items used to be on.
We have two tech trees, can we please dual research.
This post really revolves around pace of the game, it's a snail compared to original sins and whilst I enjoy the game. I fear its launch if the pace is this slow for the multiplayer community.
The goal is to be better than the original, if we don't pull the multiplayer community over then many great players will be out of this game.
Beyond research, some ship movements seem too slow, phase land speed seems sluggish and expansion and dealing with threats isn't plausible. Assuming you're working on a 2v2 map like we are, by the time you see enough of the enemythrough scouting you may already be too far down a research path to be able to combat a coming force to retool as the tec would say.
Scouting and counter play is important, being able to get multi ship and multi ship type fleets up takes too long.
I would like to hear from others to see what they think, but that's it for now