There are some places in the game where numbers are displayed differently.
In the Civilization Overview (#1 below), outputs are rounded to the nearest whole number. If you were to mouse over the values here, you would see the numbers shown with one more decimal place. On the Planet screen (#2 below), outputs are rounded to the nearest tenth. If you mouse over these numbers, you see them to the hundredth's place. The two examples shown below are from turn 1 of an Iconians game.
I believe the decimal spaces on the Civilization Overview should be changed to match those on the Planetary Overview. They should both show numbers to one decimal space by default and to two decimal spaces when you mouse over them.
The reason is that the inconsistency can be needlessly confusing. I actually played this game for a few months thinking that I could get more research in the early turns by playing around where the number gets rounded! I thought this because in CG3, numbers were never rounded to a whole number that I can recall. Then the fact that in this game, population is always expressed as a whole number made me think that the same must be true for research, manufacturing, etc. I might never have realized that I was making an incorrect assumption without this new feature:
This helpful tooltip proves that research is never actually a whole number. So why express it as one in the Civ Overview? (Also, there's a Base Value to Research! Who knew?!?)
This matters because right now the Civ Overview makes it easy to make incorrect choices. Or, to put it another way, it's just a hassle to have to manually mouse over everything to determine whether a tax rate change is worth it.
On the Civ Overview, Revenue and Expenses should also be shown as decimal numbers for the sake of consistency. Those numbers matter less though because I don't have to make important decisions based on them.