Need to buy a new subscription deskscapes11?
No, once you purchase an individual product, it is a one-time purchase and yours for life.
Incremental upgrades (1.1, 1.2, etc) are offered with most Stardock software at no charge. Version upgrades (1,2,3) are usually paid upgrades.
If you were more interested in an application suite including those products (and many more), you may be interested in Object Desktop. Object Desktop is not an application, rather, it is a suite of Stardock applications. When you purchase Object Desktop, you're purchasing one year of prepaid access to many of the applications we offer and the latest updates for them.
This includes product updates and upgrades free of charge. The current list of the applications in Object Desktop can be found at the following page:
Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
Sean Drohan
Stardock Support Manager