May...and may it be a good month for us all and for SD!
This month's desktop is the inspiration coffee brings! Lol. Post your desktops, one and all! by IceBabee, I altered her wall, threw in THE ALIEN
The widgets are Rainlendar, Rainmeter and Xwidget by Yours Truly
Coffee it is......
Excellent stuff C-Bo!
Persona wall?
I did a Persona 5 search in Bing images.
Looking great Tim!!!
What version of Windows are you on?
Thanks! It's win 10
That's a Windowblinds skin I hope?
Hell I'd pay for that sucker!
Great looking skin Tim!
I will be releasing a cool new Windowblinds Master skin next week called Menace. Here's a preview of what to expect:
Oh yeah, baby!
zo sweet I culd eet it
Just added my third monitor so I'm trying out a few things.
Looks great ALMonty!
Thanks Tom. It's a work in progress.
Great looking setup, Chasbo! Any chance of a link to the wallpaper?
I was looking at "my replies" here and I saw the last comment was by a Jan Oscar. I thought to myself "That sounds Norwegian" I go in to investigate and........ha ha Yr-Gal (du'rGal)
Velkommen til WC, Jan Oscar. Håper du trives
Been around here for 18 years, so I think I'll manage, T!
Coming soon.... Purple Glow
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