Deskscapes 8 gives 5 activations how ever when buying the deskscapes 10 and using the upgrade option it only gives 1 activation..this bug needs to be fix so we can get your full 5 activation back when upgrading from DS8 to D10I personal have multi pcs that need this upgrade thnx in advance
Sorry to hear you are having issues. Have you tried to deactivate those DS8 and than activate DS10? Not too sure if it will work but worth to try it.
Let us know if you still need our assistance.
Stardock Community Assistant.
This is the bug Im getting when some one buys the "upgrade option"DS10 upgrade > Upgrade > upgrade to DS10 oddly only assigns 1 Activation and not 5.. this needs to be fix asap.. I have a few pc's that are pending upgrades but I can't because of lack of activation limit
I have forwarded your problem to Stardock Support team for their assistance. Please keep an eye on this thread for any updates. We appreciate your feedback and patience.
Sorry to hear you are having trouble.
Tis fixed now, thank you for the report.
----------------Sean DrohanStardock Customer Service Manager
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