Several merc ships appear to be assigned wrong role (or at least a poor choice). Escorts are sacrificial units in a fleet as they are mostly targeted first and attacked until destroyed. E.g. your expansive merc carrier getting blown away on its first battle is a real downer. It should have a support role (like normal carriers) vs. escort.
The Zindellit =survey ship: escort; should be support
The Praxis= Ideology points: escort; should be support, or guardian
The Retribution= fleet accuracy/jamming. Beam range; Assault should be support, or guardian
Hivebase One= carrier; Assault should be support, or guardian
The Bitte = Fleet +Move Cap; escort; should be support, or guardian
Safety In Numbers= Fleet +Move Cap, shield boot; escort; should be support, or guardian
The Gestalt = fleet accuracy/jamming; escort; should be support
The Scow =250 Credits each time it survives; escort; should be support, or guardian
he Linked Aerie=Carrier; Capital; should be support
The Helmder= Carrier; Capital; should be support or guardian
The Shaout= +fleet all defensives; Capital; should be support or guardian
The Wraith= Fleet repair; Capital; should be support or guardian
I may have missed some, and certainly some of my “should be” roles can be debated, but I think you need to take a look