I saw that the wheel was coming back in the form of racial trait in 1.5, can anyone confirm this?
Sad to see it will be a trait, now I will have 2 traits (or basically all my traits) that I feel compelled to have making all the other choices kinda pointless to me. Since I play on bigger maps I already have to have the one to offset low morale for having a big empire, now I will have to have this as my second
. Doesn't seem logical to me, shouldnt I have high morale for having a larger empire since everyone should feel a bit safer? Would make more sense if I had a food problem associated with larger empires since the worlds with more would be helping the worlds with shortages. Seems to just punish those that like bigger games with more planets.
Not sure how to get by without wheel tbh. I am so far off in the couple games I have played since it went away in every facet of the game, I just get frustrated and give up. I have more morale buildings on planets but still have lower morale, I have more financial buildings on planets but still make less money, I have more planets focusing on one shipyard than ever before yet I am building ships more slowly and research is like 5x slower than when I had that wheel. I didn't really like all the time I spent micromanaging it, but I am at a loss as to how to even come close to being as efficient as I was when it was in game.