The more I think about this, the more I dislike it. Mostly because of the way things are grouped together in the tech tree currently.
Want to be able to create both Economic and Research treaties? Sucks to be you, you can only choose one to create.
Want to be able to fully upgrade all Extreme Worlds? Sorry, your scientists want to take a vacation from all of this, you can only choose two to fully "fix".
Want to be able to create different kinds of alliances (military, technological, or cultural) in the game? Huh, well for some reason we can only create one of those of alliances. Weird. Oh, well.
This is just a few of the ones that leap out to me as showing why this isn't a great idea to implement, especially this late in the design process. And these aren't even getting into the ones that force one to decide between, say, faster ships or smaller drives. Or more productive worlds or faster growing ones (PS: ALWAYS choose +1 Production there
Some are less irksome than others, yes. But others are downright teeth grinding when it comes to being "forced" to make a choice.
And, no, hoping that other AIs will research them "for me" ain't much of a hope. Not if they all research the same things and/or I'm far ahead of them tech wise.
And that's presuming there are even enough AIs to trade with in a game.