Not sure if anyone else has noticed... but the forum seems really slow to update for me. Things like the number of unread threads I'm subscribed to, or when I give Karma to someone, it takes the forums a few minutes to update my "view" to properly reflect changes.
For example, right now, the subscriptions link up top shows 1 unread thread. But when I click on it, I see all of them are read. Probably by the time I finish this post, it'll finally update to correctly show all of them read.
And yes... I am hitting refresh! lol
Another example is when I give Karma, I can leave the thread and come back into it (or hit refresh
), but it doesn't show the updated Karma symbol under the user's post, even though the Karma button is gone (and if I check that user's Karma page, it'll show my Karma there).
This certainly isn't anything major, but I figured I'd point it out seems this isn't "normal" and it only started happening after whatever issue there was that caused us to not be able to quote.