Hello all,
I have been looking online for some guides for FELH and have found the following quite useful.
Prologue I
BY Cikomyr
Yhea.. I decided to start a Let's Play of this lil' game. I thought with you guys giving me your ideas in term of strategy and flavor, we might have ourselves a bit of fun!
I have decided we will be playing with a custom-made faction and hero. So.. guys, it's your call as to what you may want me to play with!
First of all, let's build our faction. We have a few choices to make:
- Empire or Kingdom? There are small differences in term of buildings available to either, as well as diplomatic impact with similar political entities. It's basically Bad Guys vs. Good Guys. There used to be a Men/Fallen dichotomy between the two in Fallen Enchantress, but this game seems to allow Fallen Kingdom and Empire of Men. So... chose away!
- Faction Name. Yhea, I know. It's fluff. But DAMMIT, I want good fluff! Fluff that RESONATES STRONG!!! In short, we will be either the "Empire of..." or the "Kingdom of...", please give me suggestions.
Faction Bloodline. We have a few choices available, each giving bonuses or penalties. All available choices are detailed in spoilers.
Altarian Blood: +10% Experience and the ability to Rush in combat
Train Henchmen: Can recruit henchman, who are some sort of junior Champion and offer support. They gain level and can use equipment just like Champion.
Mancer Blood: +1 Accuracy per Level and +1 Move
Ironeer Blood: +1 Hit point per Level, Guard Strike ability (?), +30 to Spell Resistance but tactical spells +50% cost in mana
Train Golem: We can train Iron
Golem with Blacksmithing technology.
Amarian Blood: +1 Dodge per air shard, +1 initiative per fire shard, +1 spell mastery per water shard and +1 spell resistance per earth shart. We also get the Soul Spark ability (lightning attack spell) for all unit
Tarth Blood: +3 to Attack and Initiative when in an army of 3 or smaller. All units also get the double-strike ability (2 attacks now but lose one turn).
Krax Blood: +8 to Defense (that's consequent!) when below 50% hit Points and the ability to Fortify tiles (+defense)
Wraith Blood: +20 Dodge (that's pretty good), -1 Hit point per level, all units gain the ability to use Wraith Touch (no idea what this is).
Trogs (Empire Only)
Trog Blood: +2 Attack when below 50% hit points, can become Berserk for drop in defense but increased strenght
Train Juggernauts: We can train uber-ogres that inflict spash damage on allies and ennemies
Urxen (Empire Only)
Urxen Blood: +2 Attack when in an army of 5 or more, double bonus from swarming (adjecent allies in tactical fight)
Quendar (Empire Only)
Quendar Blood: +50% fire resistance, -50% cold resistance, ability to use Flame Tongue (most likely a fire attack spell)
Train Slave: units that don't cost wage, cost less labor but are weaker than normal units
Faction Strenghts and Weaknesses.
We have 3 points to spend. Same as for faction bloodline, there is quite a lot of choices available. Strenght can cost us 0, 1 or 2 points. We can pick up ONE (I repeat: ONE) weakness to increase our number of available points to 4. Chose wisely...
Adepts - 1
we start with Shard Harvesting technology and 40 additional mana
Archers - 1
Grant access to unique set of bows that don't require metal and have higher initiative.
The Ram's Horn Longbow is a special bow that ignores 50% of a unit's defense, even better than a spear
Assassin's Tool - 1
We gain the Poison Vial accessory (adds poison to melee attack) to equip all units of our choice, as well as Skath Claw (better broadsword) as well as the Scimital (a Longsword with the bonuses of an Axe)
Betrayers - 2
Unlock Brocker Loyalties - Convert a city to our cause
Binding - 1
We gain Burning Wraiths, Crow Demons, Mirror Elementals, Cyndrum Demons and Grave Elementals automatically from shard shrines. Basically, all our shrines produce weak units for free randomly.
Civis - 1
Starts with the Civic Tech, allows us to rush production and construct Inns/Bell Towers
Cult of a Hundred Eyes - 1
We can train spiders... SPIDERS!!!! (3 sorts)
Death Worship - 1
Unlock Dirge of Ceresa: Sovereign Spell that does poison damage to all ennemies each battle turn
Graveseal: Spell that cause the victim to suffer critical hits from all attacks
Corruption: a spell that converts a shard we own in a Death shard
Infection: A spell that causes all negative spells ona unit to spread to all allies
Defensive - 1
Unlock Bronze Shield and 1-handed spears
Units defending cities gain +10% Accuracy per city level
Units defending cities gain +10% per city level to defense
Enchanter - 1
Sindarian Staff - More dodge
Leht Staff - Shoots lightning
Scrying Pool city improvement: +1 Essence (magical ressource)
Flesh Bound Tome - 1
Gain Cull the Weak: sacrifice a unit in combat to regain health and mana
Gain Death Lash: Boosts an ally attack and initiative but kills them at the end of battle
Candlecloak: Buffs that does fire damage to anyone striking the unit
Consume: We destroy a mana shard in our territory for 200 mana
Axe Mastery - 1
Unlocks the dual version of all axes
Great Hammers - 1
Unlock the War Club (greater attack on Men and Fallen), the Battle hammer and the Sledge (better weapons than their counterparts).
Note: Mace weapons allow for really powerful attacks at the expense of 1 turn
Heroic - 2
Completing a quest provides double XP
Legacy of Serrane - 1
Unlock the Bazaar city improvement + Warhorse (better attack to rider)
Caravans are immune to attack
Light Plate - 0
Substitute chainmail with light plate - heavier but sturdier than chain
Lucky - 1
All units +25% Accuracy
All units +25% Dodge
Master Scouts - 1
No movement penalty in Forest, Swamps, Hills and Rivers
Master Smiths - 2
-50% Metal Cost for weapon/armor
-50% production cost for weapon/armors
-50% upgrade cost for all units
Masterwork Chainmail - 0
Replace plate mail with masterwork chainmail, a lighter but less resistant armor
Quick - 1
All units +10% initiative
Scholar - 1
We start with the Knowledge technology, which allows us to build Studies
+10% research
Slave Lord - 2
Razing a city transfer half of its population to our capital
Men or Fallen defeated in battle are transferred to nearest city as population
Stealth - 2
Monsters won't attack our units
The Decalon - 2
Unlocks Tomes that gives the readers access to spells from all elemental schools (Water, Air, Earth and Fire)
Unlocks Arcane Monolith --> Summonable outposts.
Tough - 2
All units gain +10% Hit points
Waderlust - 1
Unlock Quest Maps, Athican Leather Armor, Fending Blade and the Athican Longsword.
No idea what these do.
Warrior Cast - 1
+1 to level of all trained units
Warrior - 1
Faction starts with the Training technology, which allows us to build barack right away
No armor
We cannot equip or built armor beyond leather. Champions are still able to use armor they find.
+10% Unrest everywhere (so -10% to all money, mana, production and research unless we can deal with it)
Vulnerability to Magic
-20% spell resistance
No Ranged Weapon
Unability to build or equip ranged weapon such as bows or magic staves. Champions are still able to use whatever they can find.
-10% to research
And finally...
Faction Color Scheme
We are nothing if we aren't FABULOUS!!! We need faction color, but also skin color, secondary colors, etc... Tell me what you feel like, and I'll try to find the appropriate color scheme for something cool.
Please write your suggestions for a faction. Thematic holistic submission might draw my favor more than just a simple suggestion for "Take the big axes"
For example. If I wanted to created the Empire of Menzoberranzan.
- Mancer Blood (Dark Elves are fast and precise)
- Masterwork Chainmail (They do not like heavy armors)
- Cult of a Hundred Eyes (the Cult to Lolth favors the divinity of Spiders)
- Death Worship (Their priestesses favor poison and curses)
- Slave Lord (they relish sending slaves as cannon fodder into battle)
- Rebels (Dark Elves are chaotic and prone to infighting)
Skin Color: Black
Hair: White
Theme Color: Black/dark Purple
Once we will have designed our faction, step II will be to create our Sovereign!
Prologue II - Our Sovereign!
All right. Now that we have created our nation of Horse-Archer nomads, we need to find someone to lead them to victory! Who shall be their glorious leader?
Your submission need to include:
- Suggested name
- Man or Woman
- Profession
- List of perks that will amount to 6 points. Perks may be talents, weaknesses, magic schools or equipment.
- Thematic; what sort of personality/development shall our Sovereign show?
- Development path.
Available professions:
Adventurer: +10 Fame from completing Quests
Bandit Lord: Starts with 2x Bandit units + ability to further convert bandits
Diplomat: +30% value of trades in diplomacy and the Silver Tongue ability (?)
Hunter: +50% Attack vs. Beasts
Scholar: +20% Research
Warlock: Spells do +25% damage
Armorer: All units get +25% defense
Beastlord: Can take control of enemy beasts
General: +25% to army's Experience
Noble: -10% Unrest in all cities
Summoner: +2 levels of Summons, unlocks the Summon Shadow Warg spell
Warlord: -50% to all unit Wages
Available Perks:
Talents (1 point cost)
Attunement: +2 Mana/season
Cautious: grant the capacity to escape from battle
Hardy: +1 Hit point/level and immune to poison
Sovereign Bond: Get capacity to summon familar that can cast all the spells that I can (2x casting capacity!)
Veteran: +1 Level
Brilliant: +10% experience, +2 Spell Mastery/level
Discipline: +1 Accuracy and Spell Resistance/level
Might: +3 Attack power
Tactician: +1 to the army's initiative
Wealthy: +500 gold to start (10 times the usual starting amount)
Weaknesses (can pick 1, gives us 1 extra point):
Clumsy: Occasionally strikes allies when making melee attacks
Cruel: +1 to attack power, +5 Unrest in all cities
Vulnerable to magic: -20 Spell Resistance
Cowardly: -30 to Accuracy when attacking higher level units
Scarred: heal at 1 hit point per season, regardless of level (I hope we have healing spells!)
Weak: -2 attack power
Magical Discipline: 2 points for level 1, +1 for level 2 (so 3)
Strategic Buffs are spells that are cast outside of combat and will be maintained at the cost of mana. Tactical buffs are spells cast during battle and end at the same time.
Air I:
Evade, Strategic Buff (+6 to dodge, +2/air shard)
Haste, Tactical Buff (+3 initiative, +1/air shard)
Propaganda, City Buff (+1 gold/essence)
Air II:
Aura of Grace, City Buff (all trained unit gain +1 Initiative per essence)
Guardian Wind, Tactical Buff (+15 to Dodge, +5/air shard, against ranged attacks)
Tutelate, Strategic Buff (+25% experience gained)
Death I
Curse, Tactical Curse (Unit lose defense for 3 turns)
Oppression, City Buff (reduces Unrest in the city by 10%)
Wither, Strategic Curse (reduces the attack of the enemy army by 2, +1 per death shard, for 3 season)
Death II
Antipathy, City Curse (Increase unrest in target city by 10%)
Blindness, Tactical Curse (33% penalty to accuracy)
Shadowbolt, Tactical Attack (6 damage and lower spell resistance by 5, +1/level)
Earth I
Aura of Might, City Buff (All units trained gain +1 defense per Essence)
Enchanted Hammers, City Buff (+1 material in the city)
Nature's Cloak, Strategic Buff (target recieves 20% resist vs Fire, lightning and cold, +10%/earth shard)
Earth II
Nature's Call, Summon (Summons a pack of wolves, bear, naja or panthers)
Stoneskin, Strategic Buff (Raises defense by 3, +1 per earth shard)
Tremor, Strategic Curse (Target is immobilized and loses all dodges for 3 seasons, including this one. Can only be cast within our territory).
Fire I
Burning Hand, Tactical Attack (3 adjecent ennemies are blasted with heat, 8 fire damage, +2/fire shards)
Heart of Fire, City Buff (All trained units gain +1 Fire attack per Essence)
Fire II
Burning Blade, Strategic Buff (Champion's weapon does +2 fire damage, +1/fire shard)
Flame Dart, Tactical Attack (Dart that strikes for double caster level, +2/fire shard)
Pillar of Flame, Strategic Attack (Target ennemy takes 8 fure damage, +2/fire shard. Can only be cast within our territory)
Water I
Inspiration, City Buff (+1 Research in city)
Slow, Tactical Curse (-3 to initiative, -1/water shard)
Water II
Chaos, Tactical Curse (random effect)
Freeze, Strategic Curse (Target army loses 2 initiave, +1/water shard), are immobilized for 3 seasons (including this one). Can one be cast within territory).
Mundane (0 Cost)
War Staff: 8 Attack, -1 crit chance
Spear: 5 Attack, ignores 33% of defense, immune to counterattacks, Impale (attack ennemy and the one behind in a single blow)
Warhammer: 9 attack, -4 initiative, Bash (can knock ennemy prone), Crushing Blow (+100% attack, lose next turn)
Axe: 8 Attack, -2 initiative, Backswing (if miss an attack, get a 2nd free attack), Cleave (can strike 3 adjecent ennemies)
Rusty Short Sword: 8 Attack, -2 Initiative, +1 counterattack/round
Crude Shortbow: 6 attack, -8 initiative, -5 accuracy
Magical (1 cost)
Staff of Souls: 4 Attack, -1 crit chance, +3 Mana from Kills, +25% Spell Damage
Incineration Staff: 6 Fire Attack, -6 initiative, Ranged Attack
Ice Staff: Same damn thing but cold
Dragonfly Bracers: +2 Initiative
Gauntlets of Grazna: 4 defense
Ereog's Tokey (amulet): +3 Defense
Procipinee's Crown: Enchantment on this unit have NO MAINTENANT (most, if not all, strategic buffs have a maintenance of 1 mana/turn)
Available development paths
Warrior: Develops attack power. Can specialize in specific weapons to use their special abilities with more skills. Get a marginal boost to health
Defender: Develops more health points and defense. Builds up spell resistance and dodge skills
Assassin: Specialise in critical hits and special attack. Can work both as an archer or hand to hand
Commander: Specialize in improving his armies or making his cities easier to rule. Note: if you want to go the Commander path, you HAVE to take "Strategist" talent as well. It allows us to bypass half of the Commander's skill tree to access Strategist II and Strategist III instantly, making our armies extremely fast on the battlefield.
Mage: Reduce casting cost for spells in battle. Increase spell power. Increase summoning power. Everything you need if you want to chuck plenty of fireball or lightning down the enemy's ass. But also useful if you want to use plenty of buffs or curses.
Fallen Enchantress Legendary Heroes Walkthrough will guide you through the beginning levels of the game and provide you with some of the best tips and tricks to take on this turn base fantasy game. Follow the complete walkthrough to get the best strategy to advance through the game as you face brood hunters, banshees and powerful magic. The game is a standalone expansion and as gamer you will forge a new empire in a world sundered by powerful magic, fight against terrible creatures, complete quests and rediscover lost secrets in their bid to rule the world of Elemental.
Fallen Enchantress Legendary Heroes Walkthrough
See the complete Fallen Enchantress Legendary Heroes Walkthrough and see all the features that the game has to offer as you go through it:
- Gain Champions Through Fame: Champions are no longer simply found, instead, they seek you out based on the amount of Fame your kingdom has generated. And not all of these legendary heroes were Men or Fallen…
- New Leveling System: Your sovereign and champions now evolve through a skill tree that visually allows you to plan what kind of hero you want him or her to be. Make your mage into a powerful Necromancer, or train your Assassin in special attacks that bleed the life from your enemies.
- Updated Tactical Battles: Battles are now more intense with additional special skills, combat mechanics, spells and new maps.
- New Monsters: The legendary heroes didn’t reach our lands alone. The events of the Fallen Enchantress have raised the dead and caused forgotten creatures to return to the surface of the world.
- More Magic: New spells like ‘Lightning Form’ and ‘Raise Skeletal Horde’ add new options and dangers to battle.
- Larger Maps: A new gigantic sized map delivers truly epic games.
- Updated Graphics Engine: An improved graphics engine delivers stunning new visuals while improving performance on older machines.
Each faction has a special ability
Altarian- Rush ability allows them to use their attack to go again
Ironeer- Guarded Strike ability allows the unit to attack for half damage but puts the unit into a defending stance
Kraxis- Fortify ability increases the Dodge and Accuracy of units in fortified tiles (as it was in FE)
Mancer- Mancer units get +1 Movement and +1 accuracy per level
Pariden- Soul Spark does lightning damage at range, but costs mana
Quendar- Flame Tongue does fire damage to an enemy within 1 tile
Tarth- Double Strike allows the unit to attack twice at -30 to Accuracy
Trog- Berserk ability puts the unit under AI control, but the unit gets to go immediately and gets a bonus to attack and
Initiative. Berserk units can’t cast spells. Berserk doesn’t do damage per round anymore.
Urxen- Urxen units get double the normal swarm bonusWraith- Wraith Touch ability drains a small amount of life from an enemy within 1 tiles and gives it to the attacker
Weapon types have special abilities
Axes- Cleave ability allows the attacker to strike up to 3 enemies that are adjacent to him. Cleave damage can be
modified by traits. (axes still backswing)
Spears-Impale ability allows the attacker to strike an enemy and an enemy on the opposite side. (spear still ignore a
percentage of armor)
Club/Hammers- Crushing Blow ability does double normal damage, but the attacker loses their next action. Crushing
Blow damage can be modified by traits. (blunt weapons still have a chance to knock victims prone)
Swords/Daggers- Swords and daggers allow the unit to counterattack when attacked (as in FE)
Shields- Any unit with a shield can shield bash an enemy, doing normal damage and knocking them back a tile
Added Crossbow class weapons. Crossbows are ranged weapons that are slightly slower than normal bows, but they allow
a special attack called power shot that allows them to fire through multiple enemies in a straight line (the amount of
enemies depends on the type of crossbow)
Spells/Abilities can now be dodgeable (if this tag is set on spells like Throwing Knives, Hurl Boulder and Spit Acid the
caster must hit the victim for the effect to take place)
Added support for the Line range type- Spells and abilities can now target a line of tiles at a specified length
Added support for the Adjacent range type- Spells and abilities can now target a selection of units next to the caster but
adjacent to each other
Added support for spells that are multiplied by the count of units in the casters stack- This is used by abilities like the
Quendar’s Flame Tongue ability so group of trained units can use spells.
New Monsters
Banshee- Undead ghost that is immune to physical damage and attacks with the Horrific Wail spell, which damages all
Brood Hunter- These half spider creatures are fast and armed with a longbow. They are usually found with spiders than
immobilize and weaken enemies so they can pick them off at range.
Brood Warden- Armored half spider creatures that are even better defenders to Brood Wardens and can quickly close with
their pikes and high movement.
Cindercorpse- Burning undead corpse with the Inner Fire ability (ranged fire attack)Hergon- Half wild boar, half brick wall. Hergons have high movement and every time they attack a unit they knock it back
a tile, messing with defense lines and attempts to control the battlefield.
Hergon Sow- A smaller version of the pushy male of her species.
Lich- Powerful undead spell caster. As if dark wizards weren’t bad enough, they get worse when they die.
Lightbringer- A strong Spirit equipped with an Angelic Longsword and the ability to use Soul Spark and Blinding Light
Skeleton (3 variations)- Skeletons are weak but they often come in large numbers and with dangerous weapons
Wisp- A weak Spirit able to use the Healing Light and Soul Spark abilities
Armored Sentinel- An animated suit of armor with immunity to poison, crits and swarm and the arching Shield Bash ability
New Champions
All the champions have been redone for Legendary Heroes to make them more unique. But the following champions are
brand new and can be gained through quests or they may offer their services.
Raza the Wild- Wilding Shaman and powerful mage. He has access to the same Coal Stones ability as his wild kin.
Kasst- Fast Brood Warden warrior with an innate resistance to magic.
Tuatha- Troll hero with innate regeneration and a love for giant weapons.
Huhrus- The Ogre from the FE quest, but now he is a champion so you can equip him and have him learn traits as he
levels up.
Gallowman- An undead master of necromancy.
Nen Ratcatcher- A darkling shaman, master of death magic and with his brother’s aptitude for Shrink spells.
Ascian- A great cat and former assassin for Lady Umber.
Mausolos- The tomb guardian, a massive stone golem and defender with the ability to cast Death Ward in battle.
Corinne the Archivist- A ghost champion
Pellion the Bright- A lightbringer champion
Warboar- Vicious creature, but if it is beaten it can be made into a mount
New Spells/Abilities
Blinding Light- Surrounding enemies must save or be blinded. Special ability of the Lightbringer.Blink- Teleport to any location on the battlefield. Ability granted by the Flickering Ring.
Break- Assassin attack that does normal damage and removes the targets defense for 3 turns.
Call Lightning- Does lightning damage to all units within the radius.
Channel Lightning- Does the units attack as lightning damage.
Command- Commander ability that allows another unit to take a turn immediately.
Consume Spirit- Special ability of Gallowman, does damage and grants mana if it kills the unit.
Cure Plague- Used to complete a quest.
Death Ward- Tactical version of the strategic spell with a limited duration. Allows a unit to be reborn if he dies within 5
turns. This is a special ability of Ancient Grave Elementals and Mausolos.
Eviscerate- Assassin ability to attack an enemy for an automatic critical hit.
Guard- Defender ability to add a unit’s defense to up to 3 adjacent allies and it puts the unit in the defensive stance.
Gust of Wind- Blows back up to 3 enemies that are adjacent to the caster.
Healing Light- heals all allies within 1 tile of the caster. Special ability of Wisps.
Inferno- Tactical version of the strategic spell that surrounds the caster with inferno tiles and damages anyone in them.
Special ability of Fire Elementals.
Inner Fire- Does fire damage at range. Special ability of Cindercorpses.
Lightning Bolt- Does 10 lightning damage to all enemies in a 5 tile long line.
Lightning Form- Unit transforms into lighting, shooting through 5 tiles and damaging all enemies in those tiles. Unit ends
the action at the end of that line. Special ability of Ascian and Bragni.
Rain of Arrows- Bow only attack that strikes all enemies within the effected radius.
Raise Skeletal Horde- Summon 9 different skeletons into battle.
Raise Skeleton- Summon a lowly skeleton. Raise Skeleton has no casting cost.
Rescue- Defender ability to switch places with an ally in tactical combat and take another action.
Riptide- Do damage to up to 3 adjacent enemies.
Shadowshift- Assassin ability to Switch places with an enemy and take another action.
Summon Air Elemental- Summons and Air Elemental, if used in Tactical it knocks back enemies around the elemental.Summon Crag Spawn- Summons a Crag spawn and dumps stinking mud in all tiles around him, reducing movement of
anyone in them.
Summon Delin- Summon Delin, the Pyre of Man for 3 actions.
Summon Grave Elemental- Summons a Grave Elemental, if used in tactical all surrounding allies receive Death Ward for 5
Summon Ignys- Summons an Ignys. If used in tactical all surrounding enemies take some fire damage.
Summon Lightbringer- Summons a Lightbringer. If used in tactical all surrounding enemies must save or be blinded.
Summon Wisp- Summons a Wisp. If used in tactical all surrounding allies are healed.
Wall of Fire- Added a tactical version of the Wall of Fire spell. It sets fire to a line of tiles 7 long.
Withstand- Defender ability that makes the unit immune to magic damage for until its next action.
Autumnal Equinox ability (heal all allies half of the units current hit points)
Vernal Equinox ability (poison damage to all enemies for half of the unit’s current damage)
Tectonic Shift ability (teleport to any location on the battlefield, surrounding enemies take damage equal to half the units
defense, and stinking mud surrounds the unit)
New Traits
Abjuration- Unlocks the Cloak of Thorns, Protection from Cold and Protection from Fire spells
Aeromancy- Unlocks the Gust of Wind, Lightning Bolt and Obscuring Fog spells
Armor Proficiency- Defender ability to carry additional weight
Axeman- Warrior ability to do increased damage with the Cleave ability
Bleed- Assassin ability to have damaged units take damage per turn, traits can modify the amount of damage done by
Cautious- Allows this units army to escape from combat
Compassion- Mage ability that increases the amount healed with heal spells
Geomancy- Unlocks the Gift of Iron and Sunder spells
Ghost- ghosts take no damage from physical attacks
Greater Necromancy- Unlocks the Raise Skeletal Horde and Horrific Wail spellsHydromancy- Unlocks the Gentle Rain, Frozen Bones and Riptide spells
Immune to Swarm- This unit is immune to its enemies swarm bonuses.
Innovation- Commander trait that gives the player an immediate +100 research
Missing Finger-Injury that reduces the amount of accessories this unit can equip
Necromancy- Unlocks the Raise Skeleton spell
Pack Tactics- Monsters with this trait get double the normal swarm bonus (typically this goes to wolves)
Pyromancy- Unlocks the Soulburning and Incinerate City spells
Reap- Unit gains life whenever he damages enemies, traits can modify the amount of life received
Revenge- Unit gets +1 attack each time it is struck in battle
Savant- Mage ability that reduces casting times by 1
Spirit- spirits take half damage from physical attacks
Tinker- Unit can equip an additional accessory
Volcanic Rites- Mage trait which increases the amount of damage from fire spells
Wealth- Commander trait that gives an additional 500 gildar when selected
Calloused Hide- +1 Defense per level
New Items
Amethyst Collar- Can be used to tame a twisted unit to your control.
Angelic Longsword- Longsword that does additional damage vs. Undead.
Bacco’s Hammer- A very crude hammer, but it gets better as the wearer levels.
Blessed Hammer- Hammer that does additional damage vs. Undead.
Brood Cuirass- A spider curiass that retains some of its makers spell resistance.
Brood Vambrace- A sharpened vambrace that improves the units attack.
Butcher’s Axe- Heals the wielders life each time it strikes an enemy.
Crossbow- Ranged weapon with a special attack that fires through up to 3 enemies.Dagger of the Leech- Heals the wielders life each time it strikes an enemy.
Flickering Ring- Allows the unit to cast blink once per battle.
Guardian Blade- Short sword that does double the normal counterattack damage.
Heavy Crossbow- Ranged weapon with a special attack that fires through up to 5 enemies.
Padded Vest- A very cheap vest, better than nothing, but not by much.
Perfect Crossbow- Enchanted crossbow with increased initiative and attack.
Ring of Ash-Increases fire damage of the wearer’s spells.
Ring of Calling-Increases the level of the wearer’s summons.
Ring of Restoration-Increases the potency of the wearer’s healing spells.
Ruined Chain Shirt- Still being worn by the skeletons of elementals, and starting sovereigns.
Pendulum Axe- Late game axe that does bonus cleave damage.
Soldier’s Boots- +1 Initiative, available for unit design
Soldier’s Gloves- +5 Accuracy, available for unit design
Soldier’s Cloak- +10 Magic resist, available for unit design
Scaled Cloak- +25% Fire Resistance, available for unit design
First Aid Kit-2 Hit Points and +1 Healing Rate, available for unit design
Rations- +3 Hit Points, available for unit design
Equinox- Longsword granted from killing Morian, +20 hit points, enables the Autumnal Equinox ability, enables the Vernal
Equinox ability
Sunderer- Great axe granted from killing Abeix, each strike reduces the targets defense by half for 5 turns
Tectonic Bulwark- Tower shield granted by killing Torax, unit is immune to swarm, enables the Tectonic Shift ability
Delin’s Ember- Accessory granted from killing Delin, +12 fire attack, +50% fire spell damage, +100 fire resistance
PS: I cannot seem to get the spoiler function working.