The E:FE:LH scenario is essentially the 'new and improved' version of the E:WoM scenario, in that the basic storyline is essentially the same and the two scenarios cover the same time period - Kraxis betrayed us, we fled the East and were shipwrecked in the West, the Empires are coming to wipe us out, we need to unite and drive them out, and so on. However, the maps aren't really similar, nor are the starting locations of the Kingdoms (for example, in E:WoM Gilden isn't locked behind an impenetrable mountain wall, while Tarth and Capitar are two of the furthest Kingdoms from you, and I don't recall the Empires actually having cities on the map). The details of the story are also a bit different, as is the way it plays out, but I wouldn't recommend trying to get E:WoM just to see the differences.