LH is evolving into an AMAZING game, and an even better platform for future expansions/DLCS/mods
However, there are five relatively minor tweaks that I plan to do in order to make gameplay absolutely perfect:
1. Make a new engineer unit with the build outpost and build roads ability
2. Change the essence given by scrying pools and oracles to 2
3. Make Adventurer's guild non-unique and make it give experience every turn to stationed heroes
4. Re-introduce snaking for piers and logging camps
5. Create more random quests that recruit heroes (to simulate the old map-based hero camps)
These are my personal tweaks - they can all be done via modding, and are critical to my gameplay experience.
I am very curious to find what 5 things would other people mod in order to improve their gameplay based on their own preferences.
Would anyone else care to submit their top 5? Perhaps we can exchange some good ideas!
Best, bendiwolf