Well, I am new to the multiplayer game. I have now played 3 or 4. My very first one was 1 v 1. He beat me but was very cool in telling me what I did wrong.
The next game was addressed in here where my crazy stripper girlfriend came home and stared acting crazy. I broke up with her, but in that game I left my team hanging, though they won. Ekko-Tech was one of them. What was nice about that game was that we had captains, and everyone talked to eachother.
Then after that one I decided to play while we had thunderstorms outside. For me I got a mini dump and lost my internet OR lost my internet and got the mini dump. They happened so fast that I don't know which happened first. This game was off though. They chose a map with like 3 stars! We knew it was going to be a long game. As can be expected, we didn't see our enemy for some time. I decided to bring my economy up fast and focus on minerals (to share with them) while my colleagues focused on offense and defense. I was Advent Rebels because as my game with Ekko-Tech had shown, the Advent Loyalists are difficult to master and some say weak. But one player on my team kept asking for gold and crystal like ALWAYS. Yet I could not see what significant force he was accumulating. Just a bunch of "trust me . . . I need this." It actually should have been quite easy to defend our star system because there was only ONE phase lane to get to our planets! So we amassed plenty of SB's there, but the enemy still managed to overrun us, and one of my teammates lost a Titan . . . . to which he casually remarked "I'll have another in like 3 minutes." (!!!) But like I said, I lost my internet connection.
This last game lastnight had these players that I could remember: MrBiggles, Magovi (has was cool, but I forgot his name!), Bountyhunter, KG-89, and some other dudes. It happened that all but two left. It was 2 v 1. I was the "1." lol
But I stuck in and played because it was fun and that is how you learn! I am glad I stuck in. Those guys were cool. They ass-rammed me in the end, but it was well played.
So, to me the non-Ideal teammate is the "gimme this ASAP . . .I need it" kind.