Under influence of multiple petitions from disgruntled monsters I've taken on to announce the rise of a formal political wing lobbying for Equal Opportunity for Monsters further known as EOM.
A forming committee of a Bandit with a Dog, Black Widow and an Forest Drake we have immediately agreed on to discuss the manifest. The forming committee ended up to be just the Forest Drake (the remainign forming monster have been eaten), but the manifest was succesfully defined:
1. We want to eat all players, whether human or AI without discrimination.
2. We don't accept cities, outposts or road nearby our lair neither from human nor AI without discrimination.
3. It is agreed that invisibility used by AI players allowing them to move near our lairs is unacceptable and should be banned from the world of Elemental.
4. It is unacceptable that human players destroy our lairs when we are hunting AI units, we demand to forming of an Elemental Lairs Protection Force (ELPF) guarding the lairs during our excursions.
signed on behalf of EOM
Sentinemodo (spokesman) and Forest Drake (forming member).