First, the link to the replay of thegame I played.
This was a 3 way ffa game. Two loyalist, vs one rebel (myself).
Start off with border skirmishes, with both loyalist getting titan's early, I star base early. We get a nice titan vs star base battle early between me and KL3MZ, his titan almost kill my star base, but then my titan shows up and he has to retreat.
After this the other loyalist hits him with his titan, and it seems KL3MZ can't do a damn thing to stop him, even with his own titan. I hit his opponent, make him retreat, and I gradually finish him off. I use a fleet of bombers and dunov's with emp to negate his titan as best as possible, and kill his escorts. Also make a lot of use of star bases, as a rebel! Defenses are not just for loyalist people. I eventually kill him.
Now its between me and KL3MZ. It basically becomes a standoff at this point. for the next several hours as I build 14 capitol ships + titan. I had 7 dunov's with emp, enough to negate his titans abilities outside of his well and culture. The flip side was that in his well and culture, I couldnt kill him either because his defenses were too strong. It basically become a draws, and around the 4 hour mark, we both concede it was a draw and KL3MZ leaves.
Now for the main points of this replay
1. Loyalist titan isn't unkillable, you just have to use the right tools like emp, or the vasari disruptive strikes, that would really screw over the loyalist titan.....
2. Both loyalist farm the pirates to level up their titans extensively. As a rebel with truce among rogues, I could do nothing to stop pirates raids from going out. This should be fixed somehow so if the pirates just become titan/cap food, the rebel can kill the pirates for good.
3. Novalith wars don't do much when both sides have planetary shield and star bases with aux government.
4. At one point of the replay, i attack one of his ice planets with two star bases, when one uses red button, i use armistice, saving my fleet. Right as armistice end or it leave the area of his star base, the second one red buttons, killing his approaching fleet. He claims it was a misclick, but it could of been he clicked it under the effects of armistice and it went off after it wore off. This can obviously be problematic.
5. After he attacks a asteroid belt later in teh game, he uses armitice to retreat his fleet, but his akkan decides its doing to be sitting duck until after armistice ends, and nearly loses the akkan.
6. That the stalemate even occurs is a problem. In diplo/trinity there was no super ship that was practically un-killable in a friendly well. You could fight it out, eventually, their would be a victor. Here, we both knew there wasn't a thing we could do to the other player if we attacked first.