I wounder if you left a path in the middle one tile wide if the ai would jsut suiciide units into it.
I did test that, and yes, they came to me to be slaughtered like lemmings. Of course... on ridic I can't really claim that a Demon or Dragon is trully a lemming, but regardless, they died & my only casualties were a few expendable Elite troops. One other point; I don't remember which factions did this, but at that point of the game 6 factions remained, and only 2 of those actually sent troops to attack me via that path, the other 4 just walked around aimlessly along the southern reaches of my mountain wall. I think that this was probably caused by the ZoC of those empires & kingdoms I was at war with not having made that Non Agression pact to allow their troops to move through those ZoC to get at me. I will point out as well that I was at war with every faction in that game for a very long time; it did appear to me though that the AI were not attacking each other at all by that point in the game. They all seemed to want to eradicate me from the face of the world.
However, during those battles if the AI had 1st turn in tactical combat, and if that army had Channelers, then often times 1 or 2 of my own Heros would perish since every dmg spell was directed at them. I did stop leading my armies with my Sov though, because the AI would allways attack her 1st & it was inevtibale that she perished every single time when 2+ channelers unleashed hell at her when the AI went 1st in tactical combat. (got tired of reloading previous saves to continue)
Over the course of another 100+ turns my cities were in ruins from all the Volcano spells being directed at me, but my armies were unscathed & ready to pour forth to engulf the world in the darkness of my madness.
I would like to point out that I'm "retired"..aka.. I'm a bum who plays video games 24/7 to keep myself entertained & out of legal trouble....^^ So it really is no joke that I have played hundreds of hours of EWoM. Recently though I grew tired of the same old thing in the game so I've gone back to playing a few classics from a decade ago while waiting for updates to EWoM to be released.