As Jeff Goldblum said in the movie, Jurassic Park -
"No, I'm simply saying that life, uh... finds a way."
Well if anyone saw NASA's announcement today, he was very correct. NASA has discovered a new life form—called GFAJ-1—that doesn't share the biological building blocks of anything currently living in planet Earth, using arsenic to build its DNA, RNA, proteins, and cell membranes. This changes everything! I mean, I'm a biology student focusing on genetics so I might as well start my degree over again!!
The press conference is over, but this is just extraordinary news! It shows how little we really know about life and the universe. It's not extra-terrestrial life, but it certainly changes the way we're going to look for ET. This discovery will drastically effect the drake equation and the chances of life in space.......And that's without counting yesterday's announcement on the discovery of a massive number of red dwarf stars, which may harbor a trillion Earths - READ ABOUT THAT.
So lets hear what everyone thinks! I'm really excited about this discovery and I want some feedback from the great Wincustomize community!