My soverign will be Fluke Threndor Knight, who in an other dimension had his world crushed beneath the weight of evil and darknsess, after the Titans came there and took the worlds magic. His brother, Dallas and Silver were also lost, along with his beloved Samantha Eagle. He was the the King of the Tri-Kingdom, which was made of 3 castles, each at the point of a triangle.
To the frozen north there was Castle Freedom, ruled by his brother Dallas Knight, a paladin of no small means. His duty was to defend against the ever growing menace of the Frostborne, or what most of us would call Frost giants, Ice worms, and such. No small task.
To the SE, was Castle Eagle, ruled by Samantha Eagle, a warrior who was very skilled with the blade and bow. She was Fluke's betrothed and had to contend with Mountains of Kreel, an Evil orc warlord who had gathered armies of orcs, goblinkin, and worse.
The last point, on the SW, was the Castle Caloron, named after the famed Black Dragon who had befriended a young Fluke and guided him with his ancient wisdom. His bones, actually made the gate of the castle and were said to be impervious to rams and catapults. This castle was fortified by Optimist, a druid/ranger, who had taken to taming the great desert of Bisoron. A desert devoid of most forms of life. His goal was to hold it back from enveloping the lands with his nature magic.
In the exact middle, then of the Triangle would be the greatest of the castles, Castle Excalibur. Named after the famed blade that Fluke would use for countless years. Here, laws were made by the Council of Twelve. Twelve individuals voted on by the people to help rule the Tri-kingdom, with laws that were to protect the people. Over this, Fluke watched and made sure that honor, justice, and Integrity were a part of this.
From the each of the 3 castles, a great wall had been built, to keep back the rising tide of evil and monsters, to give those who were weary, a place of shelter. Here Justice ruled and the sinister punished.
That was til they came...for the Titans had traveled from the world we are about to play in, to this world. Here they stripped it of its magics, leaving the Tri-kingdom without spells. It was then that the hordes attacked. Even without magic, the armies fought to protect their homes and families. The first to fall was Castle Freedom. The Frost giant Ice-Paral, brought forth such hordes that the defenders barely managed to have their familes leave, before its great walls fell. Dallas himself fell here, declining to leave any behind.
Caloron, was attacked by Gou-Mesto, an undead elemental sorceror, who had arisen from the depths of the Bisoron, and unleashed both his elemental forces and the the great desert upon it. The forces fought valiantly, but in the end it too fell as the desert swallowed the great castle and bones of Caloron.
Eagle would be attacked by the vast legions of Kreel, for 3 days they held out against an army, not number in millions, but tens of millions. Here Samantha and Sen-magi(Flukes wisest adviser) would sever a Fae line that would destroy the castle and inflict massive casualties upon the advancing armies.
Now alone, Fluke put aside his grief and anger, and would use his consider knowledge of the remaining Fae lines to create a portal, to perhaps save some of his people. His armies, knowing they must give him time, thundered out to meet the armies coming from all directions. Fluke managed to open the portal and his people streamed in. Finally, his army broke, sundered by the immense power of the encroaching darkness. His last remaining brother, Silver, took Fluke and threw him into the portal doorway. Fluke, so exhausted by the process of the summoning, screamed once as he hit the portal. When he would awaken, Fluke found himself where the game takes place. Exhaused(thus no spells or magic), scarred horribly by the battles(ugly even though an inner light still shines forth), and stubborn(one reason he survived the portal). Only a few villagers around him, the remainents of the great kingdom of Tarth(I think thats the one who can make both male/female warriors). They would see thru this physical scarring, to the caring man beneath and pledge themselves to him.
That got a bit long...buts basically my story! Sorry if its not near as good as Lord Frog!