Hah. This from someone that is in fact nothing but a cheater.
The way that Maiden and KzintiPatriarch and the Kzinti Empire has bested all others is a simple matter of "hands-down 100% cheating, no doubt about it."
The above is a quote from Kryo who is aware of the situation as is Cari. Whether or not anything will ever be done about it is uncertain. After all GalCiv2 is pretty much end of life and to spend money, time and effort to eliminate cheating in what is after all a single player game is probably not in the cards.
I'm talking about editing files outside of what is possible from within game, specifically setting the <AIPersonality>to a value of 3 in an opponents *.customracexml file as in the following.
What this does is allow you to play against a Dread Lord opponent, or 9 Dread Lord opponents if you so choose. Dread Lords do not colonize planets other than their home system secondary. They also do not research. But the big thing is that the Dread Lords receive 20,000 BC each and every turn plus they are willing to trade great chunks of that money for a few relatively mundane techs.
So you play in a galaxy where no one is competing for colonization, where your opponents simply stay out of your way while willingly giving you large sums of cash to fund levels of research and planet development that no ordinary player is capable of.
A million point game used to be an accomplishment. Now you can get a 1.5 million point game in less than a year and are likely to break 3 million when extended for a few years. That’s not to say that such a game is not an accomplishment. It is a tremendous accomplishment that demonstrates the utmost in the willingness to accept the most tedious game play possible just to receive the honor of reaching heights with their cheating that no one before could accomplish.
Well done.
What you in fact have done is driven the final nail into the GalCiv2 Metaverse which is what I find sad. I knew the eventual death of the Metaverse was inevitable however I did not realize that it would be killed by those that purport to be its last remaining defenders.
It is *you* that have killed the game. To you honor is simply the lack of a cheat flag on a game.
I have no need to defend myself from you or your countless members that join your empire simply because they wish to have the gold Metaverse Empire medal without having to spend any effort on their own part. You are the empire of band-wagon jumpers, no more, no less.
However I will remind folks of a couple of items. For one it’s unlikely that there would have ever been an AltMeta without me. Certainly Kryo is responsible for the AltMeta and I take no credit away from him but ask him who the motivating force was behind the AltMeta and I’m sure he will acknowledge my contribution.
In a similar manner without the Metaverse Council which I essentially brought from the ground up there would have been no Metaverse League. There is no person that has contributed more to trying to extend the life of the Metaverse than I.
Finally with respect to the games that I played, I played DL v1.4x pretty much exclusively and in fact am the only person to have ever scored 1 million points in that version. The key point to that is that bankruptcy actually meant something in that version. If you are bankrupt in DL v1.4x you could not produce ships and buildings using focus from research. Nor could you simply buy buildings while bankrupt or continue to upgrade ships continuously while bankrupt. You can do all of these things in the newer versions of DL and DA and without such techniques could not score nearly as high. Not only that but in DL v1.4x I never edited a single file outside of what was permissible within the context of the games User Interface.
But that’s OK. It doesn’t cause a cheat flag and as we’ve seen that is the entire extent of honor these days.
So congratulations to Maiden, KzintiPatriarch and the entire Kzinti Empire. Not only have you killed a great game you have also beaten all the dead corpses of players that stopped playing the game ages ago.
All hail KzintiPatriarch, the emperor of the last empire standing that has bested every single opponent that no longer cares about the game.