Get a full 5.1 speaker setup, strap the little speakers around your head and put the woofer on your lap then turn the bass to full! Now thats a gaming experince. Full body vibration with all explosions.
Seriously though I WANT the megalodon (even just for the name) but I already have a 'crappy' Razer Barracuda which works well for Arma2 but whatever.
I initaly disliked Razer for its gamer cheese slogans like "Get Imba" on the naga... omg. However time and time again when Im looking for something specific they come closest to what I need. Also they actualy NAME their products. When you buy a computer and tell your friend what you bought and all you do is real off the numbers like your doing a reactor starup check in a rundown nuclear power plant (Your nervous they will tell you that you did something wrong).
Thats depressing. Razer actualy puts interesting strings of arbitary text on thier stuff. Mostly animals, real or imagined.