wow seems like you have just read half of what i wrote.
I also wrote he does not loose heaalth from oozing during that 5 seconds
I really thing there is a diffrence between aura that makes u move faster or heal your allies, then skill that does damage directly to everyone around
In my opinion this orb and erebus mist should be fixed =
-no auras or skills radiates from demigods
-no cooldoown time change (i just hate chasing ereb who bites you, batswarm, mist, bites again, and batswarm again all without taking any dmg and very hard to interupt)
-no Hp regen or aura healing (u get out from orb with same hp u entered)
-no minions control if under effect of orb or in mist
I think it was lousy programing (instead of writing big chunk of code they just decide to blackout buttons for 5 seconds) again
oh well it is just my opinion