There is many things that the community talks about (especially the Garda flak) that i dont understand.
People talk abouot the garda flak like it horrible, I think not, It has more armor and shield than the cobalts and it has better damage, not to mention the 360 degree guns that can cover your fleet from strikecraft while retreating.
People also talk about the KOL battleship as unbalanced: This i can understand, because with enough research it can be devastating with it's autocannons.
People also have this caste system of games played, I mean seriously people, just chill out and play the game. caste systems suck, I mean, Everyone has their ups and downs. No one can be good all the time. Need an example? look at howdidudothat's blacklist and whitelist. He has no idea that certain plays favor their own playstyle. Lets say one person has the intellect to get off the fleet trend and have his friends cover him while he pays off their bounty and gives them cash when needed. And if that person is good at being the pure econ, then let him. as lon as he pays tribute to his allies. Again. Period.
This isn't an insult, just a need for explaination.