Hi everyone, I've never done this before so please bear with me. (no,no, keep your clothes on
, or not..). Anyway wether I like it or not my computor breaks down at least once a year. Or yeah move to the country where there's no internet... Then it's like being a grounded pilot, and I'm not talkin about my Jetta. hehe Obviously I'm not much on byes ,sianora,astelavista, a taleur,(apologise for misspells) or formalities, but I feel this expanation is in order. And what explanation is that you may ask? Well to me it seems that I just get my groove in this community when life has other plans. Never do I wish to offend by my lack of manners. You are all Great
And I also want to say that there's alot of stuff I don't do out of not knowing. Like I just clicked my name in the forum and saw messages there for karma. I am humbled. And I still don't know how to give karma. If someone could help me with that I would be grateful.
So in closing I just want to say thanks for having me, well not having me having me
but accepting I guess would be the correct woid...
Cheers Everyone. We are clear for take-off. Who needs a ride?