Well, it's nice to see that StarDock's marketing people are out in full force. It's not all marketing drivel, but there's far more of that than necessary.
Gamers shall have the right to demand that games be released in a finished state.
You... you're kidding, right? Considering the state of GalCiv2's initial release, you guys have some nerve. But I guess it's easier to tell others what to do than to do it yourselves...
Then again, I notice that it is "have the right to demand...", not that "Gamers shall have the right to expect..." So yes, you can ask for things, but don't get your hopes up 
Gamers shall have the right to expect meaningful updates after a game’s release.
Um, why? If the game was perfect to begin with, what would we need with "meaningful updates?"
Are filmmakers expected to provide "meaningful updates" to their movies? Are musicians expected to provide "meaningful updates" to their songs?
The very concept that game developers should have to keep providing content for a game is errant nonsense. I mean, it's fine if they want, but they shouldn't have to, nor should gamers expect them to (unless the developer said they would and reneged).
companies will use simple, effective, and commonly used forum software that doesn't suck instead of creating their own forum software that does suck.
Nope. Doing that doesn't benefit StarDock, or needlessly take a swing at the competition, therefore it doesn't go in the bill of rights.
How about some real rights? Like:
- Gamers have the right to a UI and colorscheme that colorblind people can still play effectively.
- Gamers have the right to closed-captioning: that is, anything that delivers an audio cue must also have a visual cue or some form of text.
Things that will actually improve the player experience.