hello everyone. I bet im the most hated one of all the dream team and if im not then im realy failing my duties and i apologies to everyone whos still happy with me, and i promise to do beter

in the future. as for this crybabby i think i remember pissing him off ow well grow some balls learn to fight like a man and stop crying like a woman. as for forming a clan congrates . I chalenge you do well and wip our asses cause thats what were here for and not to listen to the ravings of a ravoking squaw!!
if you want a clue on how to form a clan
this is how its done
first you have to have real skilles, or no one will respect you. so on this alone your disqualified
second you have to recrut mainly top players, or players the have real promnise at becoming top players
trird those players have to have a team sperite. meaning they have to folow as well or beter then they lead
for some of you whith mental defects " this is also how real life works try it"
forth the only way to get good at anything is to learn it from the best "ow in case you didnt realize it that would us the dream team"
this means to acomplish the forth reqierment your have to play vs the hated dream team a lot

this would just turn me on so much. hehe i feel tingley inside