MWGO40 seeks MVE to fulfill GA in LST, friendship desired, NS empire preferred, no AMD need apply.
Translation: Married White Gamer Over 40 seeks a Multiverse Empire to fulfill Gaming Aspirations in Limited Spare Time, looking for a fun group of players, Non-Splintering empire preferred, no Alt-Meta Detractors need apply.
On a more serious note, the empire I formerly belonged to, the HCH is leaderless and I don't have the time as a father of three boys, to take up the challenge of re-energizing the HCH to it's previous prominence. I only use one character and prefer to play small galaxies, I'm not interested in giant and up. I will post games regularly and I have my personal goal to be #1 in both Civ Solar and Mil Solar on the Altmeta (currently #5 on Mil Solar and #10 on Civ Solar). Empires founded from the remnants of the HCH will be given first consideration, though in truth I am leaning heavily towards the Galactic Diplomats because of their representation on the Galactic Core forums (Go Mumblefratz Go!).
If you are looking to add what I have to offer to your empire, PM me here or at the Galactic Core, I will be deciding my course of action by Sunday of this week (That would be January 6th, 2008).
Best Regards,
RexDaddy (aka Saladin Al Bashir on the MV)