Hey All,
Figured I'd make one more thread in hopes of converting non-WC Subscribers. Let's say Wincustomize.com does become "exclusive" to WC Subscribers and Stardock product owners (Legally, of course), then what are the advantages?
-All of the great advantages currently entailed in WC Subscription.
-Higher bandwidth across the board, since the "leechers" won't be around any more.
-A hopefully, closer community despite the change.
-Contests with better benefits for WC subscribers? (Now, they are based on hopefully converting people over to be WC subscribers from my point-of-view)
-More financial stability for the site, which would hopefully keep increasing our vast features as WC subscribers.
-Perhaps, a discounted rate for WC Subscribers whom also have purchased Stardock products. (Possibly a bundle pack for both WC Subscription and ObjectDesktop to attract more people)
List could go on and on. Just figured this would be a good post.
Ultimately, I see the "required" number of people to sign up for WC subscriptions within the time limit advertised to "not be up to par" thusfar. Perhaps, too early to judge.
At any case, if more people don't change their minds about leeching, I could at any case see this site becoming exclusive for sure.
Would you rather be stuck on a free skin site with an hellacious pop-up amount? I wouldn't.
Figure this, as a "last minute" stance to support. You have until what? October 31st to decide. Anyone, (even me who is flat broke) can save up enough in that time period to get a subscription.
I hope this makes a difference. As former lead "opposer" to the subscription, I hope my conversion will make others actually think about it and not just skim through the post.