Bonjour, je cherche où est le fichier des paramètres de windowsblind.
Moved to Windowblinds area
Hello,If you referring to your style modification within Windowblinds itself. After you have all the changes are done, you can do this to save it as your own substyle.
Thank you.Basj,Stardock Community Assistant.
he, merci mais çà je savais. par exemple dans star11 on à un endroit pour sauver le configuration qui se trouvent dans un dossier facilement accessible. Ici je sais qu'on peut modifier mais si par exemple je veux récupérer ce fichier pour un autre pc je ne sais où le chercher
I am not sure about this one. However, I have forwarded your problem/question to Stardock Support Team for their assistance. Please keep an eye on this thread for any updates. We appreciate your feedback and patience.
Thank you,
Basj,Stardock Community Assistant
I think they are the files in C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\Startdock\WindowBlinds\WBO, filenames [SkinName].wbo although I've never tried to restore them individually. You can try that if you like.
Bonjour, Merci je vais regarder ça. Bye
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