Okay, I've been having this issue for several days now even though it seemed to work fine initially, and no amount of reinstalling or restarting or wiping settings seems to fix it.
I got Windowblinds about a week ago, then got Start11 a few days ago to go with it. Seems to work relatively fine in conjunction, except for the start button itself. No matter how many settings I change, no matter if I disable changing the start button at all from within Start11, nothing gets the start button to actually appear properly. It's always invisible.
It WORKS if you click it, seemingly, it brings up the start menu using Windowblinds' enabled theme, but the button itself is impossible to see and renders nothing at all.
Disabling "custom start buttons" from Windowblinds allows Start11 to render its own custom start button, but that's not what I'm looking for, I'm looking to use the start icon set in Windowblinds's theme. And it seems that both pieces of software are fighting over control of that, even if Start11 has its own custom icons disabled. It just doesn't allow Windowblinds to use its own icon at all as long as it's installed (even force killing the Start11 service still gives no icon).
I've tried reinstalling, I've tried restarting my computer, I've tried force-restarting Explorer itself, I've tried wiping my Start11 settings, I've tried downloading the beta version of Start11 to see if that would have fixed this issue by now. Nothing.
The moment Start11 finishes reinstalling, the start button instantly disappears (when it renders fine during the short period Windowblinds is the only one of the two that's installed, before reinstalling).
Is this a known issue? Is there a given fix for it?
UPDATE: Reinstalling both softwares again, but doing Start11 first and THEN Windowblinds, after S11 is set to not touch the start icon, seems to fix it? But it only worked specifically that way, having Windowblinds first and then Start11 would kill the start icon the moment S11 finished installing.
Still not sure about the exact cause of the issue.