I wish to adress 2 points in this thread.
The first is that, as someone who at minimum usualy plays with a logostics mod on, I have encountered the unfortunate fact that multiple tech tree mods will overide each other rather then merge in the cases where there are 2 or more mods affecting the same tech tree. And thus I think it would be a good thing if tech tree affecting mods could recive there own tag in Mod.io to make things easier for mod users in making sure they are not accidentaly trying to use multiple tech tree mods at the same time.
This second comment is amed directly to moders that make these mods. In the 1.3 ruins of war update the Advent titan foundry was re-introduced to the game with a coresponding update to the base game Advent tech trees to unlock it alongside the Titan units. In all of the logistics mods I have tried none of the modded tech trees accuonted for this. All of them are still using the pre1.3 tech tree as the base for their mods and as a result the Advent titans are now unsuable when using most of these mods. this is ratehre fustrating to me as i greatly enjoy the game with those mods otherwise.
To any moders that impliment modifed vanila faction tech trees please update your baseline tech tree to 1.3 asap to account for this and do please keep a close eye on the changelogs for any further changes to the games base tech tree.