Hi All,
Long time Fences 4 user. Recently gave Start11 v2 a try after another tool RoundedTB which was unmaintained became broken at the 23H2 update.
I have attempted to replicate my task bar configuration from that app inside Start11 and I am generally happy with it. I am using vertical alignment, padding & rounded corners to create a floating style taskar, the only issue I've ran into is snapping windows using the Windows 11 'Snap Windows' feature results in windows becoming tucked behind the taskbar.
Just wondering if there is any solution within the software I may have missed that can combat this or perhaps a tweak to windows that works too?
I do try to use FancyZones but I'm extremely used to just dragging windows to snap too.
I've attached a screenshot showing the issue. While it might seem minute, some software I used such as MS Teams/Discord does show some info/text in this area.

As a side note, with my current taskbar, I've noticed if I alt+tab fast the taskbar will default to no rounded corners and essentially default the taskbar until I alt+tab again or touch the taskbar. Is there a setting that defines this or is perhaps a bug?
Many Thanks,