Played two games against Yor last night, one normal difficulty, one bright. Both games were large maps, and only me and the Yor (was hoping for an epic slug fest, only conquest vic condition). In first game, Yor barely expanded at all even at turn like 200. I didn't fully scout out their space because I respect other people's privacy, but maybe they just had bad luck of durantium all spawning near me? Not sure. Since game was no challenge, I restarted.
At Bright difficulty they did better and took a little less than half the galaxy vs my 1/4 of the galaxy by the time they declared war on me. However, at same point in the game the Drengin would have taken literally everything, and don't Yor have expansionist trait? When they declared war though, they had only two fleets even remotely challenging- like two cruisers, three frigates, and bunch of fighters. After taking those fleets out the Yor were no military challenge whatsoever. Again, this is a Large map and they had significant quantity of planets and a healthy flow of Durantium. Even worse though, they kept sending individual Siege ships alone and unaccompanied into my territory- I know the Drengin are notorious for this but at least they send a fighter along. Also, no 'hero' ships whatsoever, and usually I always see AI put a few commanders into them.
Idk, I've been playing all the civs 1 on 1 to get a feel for their AI and feels like the Yor are significantly underperforming. They're the only civ that was a complete pushover at Bright. Anyone else have same experience?