My old Windows 10 laptop (secondary) has been retired and I want to install multiplicity on the new laptop (secondary) running Windows 11. My primary is on a Windows 10 Desktop and has the same version of Multiplicity. I downloaded the installation file but when I ran it (as administrator). I got an error window stating "Unable to open archive file 5". When I click OK on this I get a new window stating: "Failed self extraction". The installation stops there. Gratefull if anyone knows how to resolve this.
P.S: Prior to the above I installed Multiplicity on my new laptop using an older copy of 3.6. This worked but I could'nt get my configuration to communicate with the primary and unistalled it. During this process there was an error stating that there was a file which could not be uninstalled (I failed to make a note of this) - I ignored this and proceeded as above. My local network seems to be working and I have two-way communication between both computers.