Okay, let's try this with the PDF-XChange Editor.
1) Right click on the PDF-XChange Editor in your Start11 menu and select More>Open file location and leave that folder open.
2) Now open the Start11 menu again and right click the PDF-XChange Editor and select Unpin.
3) In the shortcut folder you opened in step 1, right click the PDF-XChange Editor shortcut and select Delete. Leave this folder open!
4) Open the Start11 menu and look in the All Apps list>Tracker Software folder and see if the PDF-XChange Editor is gone (the "PDF-XChange Editor (No Printer Isolation)" should still be there).
5) Now open a new Explorer window and go to "C:\Program Files\Tracker Software\PDF Editor" and right click on PDFXEdit and select Show more options>Create Shortcut.
6) Drag the new shortcut from step 5 into the shortcut folder you opened in step 1. It should be "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Tracker Software"
7) Close all open Explorer menus and restart your computer.
8) After your computer has finished booting, open the Start11 menu and in the All Apps list>Tracker Software folder, right click "PDF-XChange Editor" and select Pin to Start11.
Is the pined PDF-XChange Editor icon correct or still a generic app icon?